Friday, April 2, 2010

Give Your Cocina Some Color

Y'all know I love to cook, but did you know that I also love to shop?  Not necessarily buy.  Shop.  I grew up summering in a tiny town in Massachusetts and when I wasn't at the beach, I spent my days browsing window displays of quaint New England shops.  This love has stayed with me throughout my life, and I can frequently be found strolling through the Virginia Highlands looking at little boutiques.  You know where else I like to window shop?  On the internet.

My recent find has everything from corner tv stands to cardstock (can we say printable wedding invitations?) to dog beds toys.  Yes, CSN Stores was a great find.  Not only do they have a wide variety of stores with ridiculously good deals, they have lots of great customer reviews so you can educate yourself before you buy a product...which I think is very important with online shopping.  And luckily for you, CSN Stores found me too!  Gringas y gringos, may I present to you Cooking for Gringas' first sponsored...

Readers, you have the opportunity to win one of these three fabulous prizes:
A ceramic mortar and pestle by Le Creuset, perfect for grinding fresh Caribbean Blue

 A stainless steel muddle by Rosle, great for making mojitos

  A 10" open skillet by Rachel Ray, excellent for cooking Yellow

Unfortunately, this contest is only open to residents of the U.S. or Canada.  I sincerely apologize to my Mexican readers, and I promise I will find you a giveaway soon!

3 chances to win:
  1. Become a follower on here and leave a comment telling me which prize you'd like (you only get one...I know, I want all three too).  If you're already a follower, tell me that in your comment.
  2. Become a fan of Cooking for Gringas on Facebook (if you are already a fan and you live in the U.S. or Canada, you are automatically entered).
  3. Follow cooking4gringas on Twitter and retweet this contest.
You're welcome to use all three options to enter!  One winner will be selected next Friday, April 9th at 5:00 PM.  Good luck!


  1. I don't think I'm eligible (considering I live with my gringa), but I'd like that muddler...

  2. So one day a friend told me she was writing random things about her kitchencapades in a blog...and then there was free stuff!
    Who loves kitchen gadgets?

    I LOVE kitchen gadgets!!

  3. I want the skillet!!!!

    <3, roxanna

  4. Such a tough call! I do love me some Le Creuset, so I guess I'd have to go with the mortar and pestle. Delicious homemade pesto, please!

    -Emily H.

  5. "mine! Mine!" Blue please ;)
